Poverty deserves to earn its place in the caste systems of the gods

Poverty deserves to earn its place in the caste systems of the gods

So, do we like our underclass tight and coiled and ready to blow?   It ain’t fun.  It ain’t good times for all the heavy thinkers. ….. They all are fretful and sorry and left without any compass in times like these.  Coiled anger is a theoretical thing ……. there to be blown only when the coilers can reek havoc upon themselves and prove that they are worthy of shame and scorn.   The world is a comfortable place with all in their shells …. all in their place ……  all there to be taken for granted as the festering places that are what they are …. that will be what they will be ……

Poverty deserves to earn its place in the caste systems of the gods …..  all that animal energy with no place to put it ….. no one to harness it ….  no fun.

A little push …. a big nudge …..  the lid blows off as it has too often done before.  There are frustrations under the skin and surface.

Lets see what happens when the frustrations jump up a half of caste …. and bubble briskly in the downsizing of hope.

Sad dress rehearsal in slow motion.

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